Guys! In today’s corporate world “is Job Dissatisfaction links to your Un-Happiness?”

We need to ask our self whether we are working for our “boss” or “company” or for “our growth”. Many of us would land up by saying “for our growth”.  This is one of the key answers for Job Dissatisfaction. One should never be a self-centered personality rather be a team player. It is necessary to understand your roles and responsibility and deliver it along with the team within a defined time frame.

By doing so you are creating a positive layer around you, which results into your boss’s appraisal and company achieving its target. On a larger note you are getting Job Satisfaction and living happily with your spouse, kids, family and friends.

To sum up “Job Satisfaction is linked to our daily happiness.” Agree or Disagree?

So… This is the lay-off period in IT and Telecom sector.  Precisely it is affecting all the sectors because we all are living in an interlinked corporate society. Everyone is trying to survive until the market resumes, looking for new opportunities, trying to face as many as interviews, etc, etc….

But do you know? When we go for any interview it really matters which place we prefer to seat in the waiting area or at the reception area.  Let me explain you how?

In today’s digital world your seating position, your body language, your interaction with fellow candidates, your expression, your interaction with the receptionist, your patience while waiting for the interview, etc. is getting observed through the camera fixed at the reception area and one screen is being shared either in HR Head’s room or at the interview area.  You will be surprise to know this is one of the prerequisite in top corporates for initial screening process apart from your CV screening.

In my next article I’ll highlight the sitting positions one should follow while waiting for the interview and while facing the interview… Till then Have a nice weekend and all the best for your new ventures.

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