
“Peoplesoft HR-Tech” is a HR & Recruitment Consulting firm, based in Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India set up in October 2018 and having the aim of supporting out small and medium-size companies to set up best HR practices. Registered as “HR Tech Global Associates Limited” in Lagos, Nigeria in 2019 to cater to the West African countries for HR services, Relocation services, Accounting & Tax Compliances, Statutory Compliances, Manpower Services (White & Blue Collar), Protocol Service and other related services.

We are considered as one of the “one stop HR service provider” and a professionally managed Consulting firm promoted by professionals with years of experience in both Strategic and Operational HR.

We are working in diverse industries and addressing Talent search and selection process across levels and staffing needs. Our continuous engagement approach has helped us understanding the client much better to suggest the right talent matching the ground reality and offer possible assistance beyond recruitment in HR area.

We have been working to improve our services consistently and it would be great to have your suggestions and feedback to make Peoplesoft HR-Tech a one stop solution to all your HR needs.

If you would like to send us some suggestions, please feel free to write to us at


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